
Geosocial networking, Finally google steps in.

After almost a month, I return to post on my blog about the new Google maps that I noticed this morning. And then Google’s latitude services is a great addition. With Latitude, you can add your friends to map and then you can share your location with them. It is a welcome addition I’ve been waiting for so long.

You can not only view your friend’s location on your mobile phone, but it also works on the web. Just add latitude to your igoogle and watch your friends on your PC as well.

Happy Geosocial networking.

Google Android, Kick start workshop here at LUMS

I just came back from a session named “Google Android 101”. An introductory session that has inspired many of us to start developing for Android platform. Speaker of the session was Mr. Omer, who is a software engineer at Google. In this 2 hours session, more guidance and motivation was delivered, though the duration was too short to deliver much of technical details.

I’m really happy that I got a chance to attend this session, not only to give me a kick-start in android development, but to give me a chance to meet so many professionals from around the industry.

I really appreciate the organizers of the workshop for arranging such a nice session.

Event’s Facebook page

Pocket Cinema

We’ve been hearing about Pico-projectors but Samsung has actually integrated one into one of their latest mobile phones. Imagine watching movies and photos over this projector, right from your mobile phone or portable media player. Bye-bye tv-outs 🙂

GSM Arena talks about this phone in their news article. Do checkout the video as well.

Wireless charging is here!

The day is here when you can charge your phone without plugging any wires to it. Not long ago, we heard about lab experiments on wireless power and here it is in the commercial availability.

Palm has announced Touchstone , its wireless charging doc for Palm pre. This is the first commercially wireless charging product that I have seen so far.

Palm pre itself is a pretty impressive device as showcased by this article here. I’m really looking forward to the release of this device in addition to the wireless charging capability 🙂

Masjid Wazir Khan – History revisited

I have been posting about historical places of Lahore on this blog. I’m sure the one I just visited is the most beautiful leftover from the Mughal reign.

Masjid Wazir Khan is extremely colorful and pretty mosque right in the heart of walled Lahore city. It was built in 1634-35 by Mr. Wazir Khan who was governor of Lahore at that time. This mosque was built a few decades before the glorious huge Badshahi Mosque Lahore (1673). I’m not trying to compare the two mosques here because one was built by the King himself ( Badshahi mosque) while other was built by a city-governor (Masjid Wazir Khan), but later is much more colorful, much more well built and well designed, much delicate and attractive and is in much original condition. Ironically, inspite of being so beautiful and attractive, it has not been much talked about.

The best way to reach the mosque is to enter the Walled-city of Lahore through Delhi-Gate and walk straight through the narrow and lively bazaar. A few hundred yards through the twisted path and there you see huge mosque minarets welcoming you. An open area outside the main entrance is still kept unpopulated and is a welcome change in contrast to highly dense populated area.

Right next to the entrance on both right and left sides are several small rooms that were originally designed to be shops. All shops were closed and locked but the veranda right outside each shop was very beautiful, especially the colorful ceiling.

Once you enter the mosque’s prayer area, you see a water pond for wuzu (ablution) in the center of the courtyard and a huge colorful mosque-building is visible at the other end of the courtyard. There are small rooms on both right and left sides of the courtyard that were closed and a couple were in use by the mosque administration, imam and the students.

The whole mosque both from outside and inside is a marvel of tile-work, colored paintings and calligraphy. The photo album posted at the bottom of this post contains several photos that prove my words above.

Quite interestingly, there was a mazaar (tomb) near the center of the mosque courtyard. On close inspection, it was discovered that the grave visible on the ground level was fake and the real grave was underground, some 10 feet right below the dummy grave on ground. The photo shows the name of the person. I have not yet been able to find who’s mazaar was this and how significant he was in the history.

On all four corners of the mosque are traditional high minarets. Unlike most of the mosques from the history as well as current day, these minarets are also covered completely with colored patterns and tiles that are in their original pretty colors even after almost four centuries.

Then I found a combination of steel ladder and staircase that took me to the roof top of the shops and I got a few clear shots of the mosque from there. Hundreds of pigeons were enjoying their free meal up there and were disturbed by my intervention.

After saying prayers, the mimbar (address chair) caught my attention. It was a beautiful wooden chair with a detailed wooden work. Looked pretty old but Imam sahib guided me to the label dug into the wood that said that it was a present to the mosque by Lord Curzon, Governor general India, who visited Lahore in 1899.

The whole mosque was colorful and patterned but keeping Islamic values in mind, no human or animal paintings could be seen. Either it was patterns and plants or it was calligraphy.

If you are in Lahore or you plan to visit, do plan a visit to this gorgeous mosque.

A photo album is available at following links.

Photo Album

Photo Album Map

History and info about the mosque

Attacks condemned

This short post joins millions of protesters around the world to condemn cruel attacks on Gaza by Israel. There is no problem in the world that cannot be solved without war, and war is not a solution but a problem itself. May God rest the killed souls in peace and save all of us from war in all parts of the world.