Mark Zuckerberg – Founder of Facebook has announced in an open letter to all Facebook users that the National and Regional networks have grown too big and will be removed from Facebook. I don’t find that any problem as I never joined such a network, but all of you who have, please do comment what […]
Tag: Facebook
Facebook adds support for six languages in five months
Facebook is now supporting 70 languages. As compared to the earlier post, Facebook has added 6 languages in five months and the Facebook users themselves have played a great role in translating the site. Here’s the list of languages Faceboook supports.
Facebook on your XBOX LIVE
Facebook is now integrated with XBOX live. This means that you can access basic Facebook features on your XBOX. You can list your friends, view photos, leave comments and most interesting part is that you’ll be able to share your achievements in a game over Facebook. You can got more information about this feature from […]
How to export your Facebook Page’s wall to RSS
This one is tricky. I know a lot of people who import RSS feeds to their Facebook pages and it works great when it comes to drawing traffic to your blogs using a Facebook page. But this friend of mine came up to me with a question that how can I export the wall posts […]
Facebook reaches 64 language mark
We covered it earlier when Facebook hit 57 languages and within a month, Facebook has grown to 64 languages now. This is all done with the help of the community based translation mechanism used by languages application. Note, the new languages include فارسی (Farsi), that is the most common language in Iran. Following is the […]
Facebook BlackBerry app upgrade available – and I love it
All Facebook users who also carry a BlackBerry must rejoice and should try out version that is out now and is available to download. Simply go to the existing Facebook application and select to upgrade. If you don’t have the app on your BlackBerry phone already, you can download it from here. I have […]
A few quick Facebook usernames facts
A few quick facts about Facebook’s user-names. Facebook is not giving all the user names, for some reasons. (See my earlier post here). Facebook usernames are not case sensitive, xyz and xYz and XyZ are the same thing Facebook usernames ignore dots, as gmail does. So x.y.z and x.yz and xyz are the same thing.
Facebook has been Unjust to me!!!
I just posted my brand new Facebook URL in my last post. I’m posting again to launch a protest here. When I tried signing up for , it said its already taken. To make sure I dont miss the other combinations, I signed up for /basit.ali and go it. Now when I try, […]
Facebook usernames, Basit was taken, so I’m content with basit.ali
Facebook has started giving away usernames so that you can have your public profile placed at A few minuts ago when the signing up opened on first come first serve basis, I thought I’ll get “basit” but that was already taken. Now all my friends can access me through 🙂
Facebook is available in 57 languages now!
As discussed in our earlier post about Facebook Translations, Facebook is using community/society effort to get the social network translated completely. Today Facebook announced with the following message that its available in 57 languages. This means that Facebook family has completely translated the site in 57 languages already. Following is the list of supported languages: […]