I’m sure you must have heard about Google+ by now, it’s yet another social network by Google. It feels that they are palnning to do it right this time, let’s see how good it will be in the days to come. All we can do is jump in, try using it and give our feedback. […]
Tag: Social Networking
Facebook Unblocked in Pakistan – Flickr still not accessible
According to the local court’s original order, social networking site Facebook has been unblocked by PTA, Pakistan Telecommunication Authority. The site was blocked due to the blasphemous page titled “Everybody Draw Muhammad day” that has offended Muslim population all across the globe. In addition to Facebook, Flickr the photo sharing site, Youtube the popular video […]
Facebook Pages go even more Weird – Fans become Likers
I already wrote a post on Facebook Privacy when it comes to Facebook pages and becoming fans. So if you became a fan of a page, the page can access quite some information of yours just as your friends can do. Isn’t that bizarre? Actually Facebook wants to try to make public, more and more […]
Nokia C3, Nokia C6 and Nokia E5 coming soon
Nokia announced three new phones with social networking and Internet focus. These three phones are targeted at three different markets and all three of them have a full Qwerty keypad. Nokia C3 is the first ever qwerty Nokia based on Series 40 with a home screen access of social networking tools. Nokia C3 is a […]
Facebook Pages can access all your posts
Are you a Fan of something on Facebook?Facebook privacy policy has been creating some stir out on the web already. Like every Facebook user, I have been trying to be careful when posting things on the Facebook. Moreover, I have created friend groups. As I have pre-defined access levels assigned for each of these groups, […]
No more country and regional networks on Facebook
Mark Zuckerberg – Founder of Facebook has announced in an open letter to all Facebook users that the National and Regional networks have grown too big and will be removed from Facebook. I don’t find that any problem as I never joined such a network, but all of you who have, please do comment what […]
Facebook adds support for six languages in five months
Facebook is now supporting 70 languages. As compared to the earlier post, Facebook has added 6 languages in five months and the Facebook users themselves have played a great role in translating the site. Here’s the list of languages Faceboook supports.
Facebook on your XBOX LIVE
Facebook is now integrated with XBOX live. This means that you can access basic Facebook features on your XBOX. You can list your friends, view photos, leave comments and most interesting part is that you’ll be able to share your achievements in a game over Facebook. You can got more information about this feature from […]
Facebook Blackberry app updated yet again!
The screenshot says it all. No significant feature update found.
Geosocial networking, Finally google steps in.
After almost a month, I return to post on my blog about the new Google maps that I noticed this morning. And then Google’s latitude services is a great addition. With Latitude, you can add your friends to map and then you can share your location with them. It is a welcome addition I’ve been […]