BerrySnooper – A Walkthrough

BerrySnooper is a BlackBerry software that allows you to find your lost BlackBerry or stolen blackberry. This post is a walkthrough of BerrySnooper, how it works and what are the restuls.

BerrySnooper can be downloaded from BerrySnooper’s website. The setup is simple and straightforward and download is available over the air. Once you purchase and download blackberry, you will get the registration key in your email inbox.

First time you run the software, you will have to enter the registration key and configure the software for its tracking and alerts parameters. For example, where do you want to send alerts when you phone is stolen, how often you send the location information, what are you remail addresses etc.

There are two ways you can ask the phone for its location and then there are three ways you can check for the resultant location:

Here’s the walkthrough of the typical use of BerrySnooper.
Step 1 – I forgot my phone in the car and don’t remember, whether its in my car, I left it at home or somewhere else.

Step 2: Grabbed somebody’s phone and sent an SMS to my BlackBerry

Step 3: Waited for a few seconds till I received the location of the phone in SMS

Clicking on this link shows a map too:

This result can also be viewed in your email

Or you can logon to BerrySnooper web-console to view the location:
Auto-Theft Detection
This is not all BerrySnooper does. Once you have BerrySnooper properly configured, the phone automatically listens for theft detection all the time. As soon as a theif switches the sim-card in your p hone, BerrySnooper comes into the action and starts sending the tracking results to you. This feature works even if you dont have data connection enabled and SMS results will be sent to you every 5 minutes by default (you can change your configuration from the BerrySnooper website.

Other interesting features:

  • You can always logon to your web-console to change your BerrySnooper settings, view your last known location or change your current BlackBerry handset (the software is locked against your handset to detect change of sim or change of handset)
  • Works with both Blackberries with or without GPS. When its without GPS, network infromation is used to find the location.
  • GPS enabled phones also find approximate location when indoors
  • The app restarts automatically and runs in the background without disturbing the user.


BerrySnooper is a great tool to find your lost/forgotten  phone. It also lets you know about the location of your BlackBerry if stolen but I’m not sure if you’ll be able to retreive the phone  yourself. I recommend you take police with you if you are chasing somebody who mugged or stole your phone.

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