Fake Chrome OS – even Gizmodo guys mis-reported it :)

Earlier today a post on Gizmodo steared me to a link that claimed to be a download site for much anticipated Google Chrome OS’s beta download site. In anticipation, I reported that in my earlier post as well. Quite interestingly, the site was not a google product site but was hosted on sites.google.com. I still gave it serious shot and tried downloading it. Second thing I felt strange about was, the download was available in both iso as well as vmx format that allows you to run the OS on a vmplayer. Last but not least, the download tool was a third party torrent tool that quickly downloaded the 560 MB OS for me.

I preferred a VM download so that I can boot it right on top of my existing OS. Then I went back to the download site to read the other information on that page, but by that time the site had already been removed by Google for the obvious violation of terms of service. Then I tried to hit Gizmodo but their link was dead too by that time. What I ended up was with a VM that is still running on my VM player and looks for sure like a modified linux OS that has a chrome browser and other google tools installed on it.

I’m not sure if the real Chrome OS will look like this but everything on this copy of OS works for real. I’m posting some of the screenshots here.

Here are the screenshots:

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