Google Adsense for Mobile, I dont see it in my account

Google has launched adsense for Mobiles now. I was very keen and wanted to know the details. I quickly logged into my adsense account but to my surprise, I could’nt find any mobile options there. Adds for feeds, search, content and domains are the only for options.

Login page shows mobile adsense clearly :

Adsense blog also talks about the launch and states that the service is for the mobile optimized websites. Now you will soon start seeing Google ads on the mobile optimized sites powered by Adsense.

I was more interested in ads that can be displayed within mobile applications, like the ones offered by admob, but Adsense has not reached there yet.

In the end I would like to ask you guys to tell me about the availability of adsense mobile in your account. Honestly, my account still doesn’t have it.

Links: Google Adsense

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