Just did bit of a trick and it feels so good to control this Nokia phone running Symbian with Nintendo Wii controller. The feel is even greater when you play a game using this remote when your Phone is connected to a TV via TV-out cable. Please note this solution only works on Symbian S60, Symbian ^3 and Symbian Anna and has been tested on a Nokia N8 with Symbian Anna installed on it.
Here we go and Best of Luck!
Hardware used in experiment
- A Nokia N8 smart phone with Symbian Anna
- A Wii remote controller RVL 003 (Don’t have one? Click here to buy)
- A USB desktop keyboard or a standard Bluetooth keyboard (Only for touchscreen-only phones. Optional for phones with physical keyboards).
How to connect
- Install a simple application named MOBIPad (link at the end of the post).
- Run Mobi Pad and from options menu choose to connect to Wiimote
- Press 1 and 2 simultaneously on the Wii controller and wait till the app says connected
- Done! The remote now works all across your apps and everywhere in the OS.
Catch for Touchscreen users
Touch screen phones like Nokia 5800 ExpressMusic or Nokia N8 do not have a physical keyboard and hence Options menu cannot be launched to start connection with the wiimote. You can use a Bluetooth keyboard or a normal USB keyboard to access the menu. Simply connect the Bluetooth keyboard via bluetooth, or use the USB connector that came with your Nokia N8 to connect a desktop USB Keyboard to your phone. When you run MOBIPad, press Windows/Menu key to open the menu and there you are with a working app on touch-screen.
You can download MOBIPad application from this link.
Note: Please note this program is provided as is. I’ve found it working and apparently it doesn’t do anything wrong to the phone.
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