iPhone users, if you are a fan of GPRS/EDGE data use and you have an unlimited plan, the chances are that while you are downloading your favorite songs or apps over EDGE, you’re missing some important calls. The calls get redirected to the voice mail or simply get a not-available message.
This article on Apple’s support website clearly mentions this shortcoming:
If not on 3G, while iPhone is actively transferring data over the cellular data network—downloading a webpage, for example—you may not be able to receive calls. Incoming calls may go to voicemail.
I was shocked when I came to know this because I’ve been a GPRS freak with unlimited data since it became availaable in my country. On smartphones like BlackBerry and Android, it is obvious that your phone is almost always sending and/or receiving data. This means, the phone should simply refuse to receive any calls? The way above issue has been mentinoed as a “Note”, I don’t think Apple is thinking of finding a solution to this problem.
Happy using Apple’s iPhone 😉
I’ve experienced this on an Android as well as iPhone. I don’t think this happens on BB. BB is a class A GPRS device unlike the others.
I suspect some other phones do that too as I always stay hooked up with GPRS/EDGE, I’ve felt it more often. I think instead of guesses we’ve to do some actual experiments to be more certain.
thanks for the great post, me and my friends are just discussing about this.
Finally, I found out it’s happening to others as well. I thought it’s just my phone. The thing is that people get very angry when trying to reach me many times and they only get a not available message. Is there any solution to this problem guys ???
I certainlly hope so, as I have a unlimited plan. I never had the issue with Nokias, like my recent Nokia E71, it allways prioritizes voice calls. It puts you GPRS or EDGE kind of on hold as long as you’re on a voice call. After you’re over with the voice call, it jumps back to where you left of.
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well .. i m facing the same problem … when i m browsing .. and at the same time someone tries calling me up .. the calls divert .. i seriously need to know its solution .. or else i ve got only one option left .. n that is, stop using iphone 4!