Are you looking to upgrade or buy a new Micro Card for your phone? If you are confused, I’m talking about the MicroSD card. In most common language in most parts of the world, MicroSD card is known as Micro Card. If you think your current Micro Card is too small and goes full, think about upgrading its size. These micro cards are getting cheaper every day and their capacity goes double almost every year.
With new devices, cameras, smart phones and tablets coming out every day, memory requirements are drastically increasing. Phones have high megapixel cameras like Nokia N8 having a sizzling 12 megapixel camera. Obviously the photos captured with this camera will take several megabytes of space and more pictures you take, more space is needed on your phone.
Similar camera phones like Samsung Wave has a HD video camera that can record video at 1280×720 resolution with 30FPS. That takes a lot of space as well. You definitely need a multi-gigabyte Micro Card for that. But nothing to worry about, Micro Cards are now available in different huge capacities like 8GB, 16Gb and even 32 GB now. You can choose one that suits your needs and fits your budget.
You can buy one f these cards by simply clicking on your desired Micro Card
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Janis Mccall
do u have a twitter
Does Nokia 5530 supports 32 GB micro SD card?
Can’t say. Will tell you once I get a 32 GB card and you can come with your 5530 to test it 🙂