I did not realize the time passed so quickly. One of the most commonly used instant messaging software, MSN messenger which got renamed to Windows Live messenger a few years ago is celebrating its 10th anniversary. Though it was not the first IM software out there in the market back in late 90s, it surely has been one of the most used ones.
The software’s tight binding with Microsoft Windows and Hotmail has given it necessary accelerated growth. And now this Messenger is being used to promote MSN’s social networking services.
As a result of the 10th anniversary celebrations, MSN is giving you a messenger theme that will surely tell your friends that you are very happy about this anniversary. You can simply go to the anniversary site and download the theme. This theme’s setup runs and almost forces you to select Bing as the default search engine, MSN as your browser’s default home page and also gives you a link to download Internet Explorer 8.
Once the theme is installed your chat window and display picture will look like this: