I’m offering four short courses at ITU online training. The courses will help you excel in your career and gain new skills during the pendamic lockdowns and extended summer breaks imposed by unprecedented circumstances.
Registration is online and the deadline is approaching fast. Some courses are almost full so if you’re interested, signup now!
All courses are online and will be conducted remotely. Here are the coures
Mobile Application Development Android

We will learn how to make mobile apps for your Android phones and devices. Course Details
Game Development – Unity

We will learn how to make games in Unity and run them on different devices. Course Details
Python Programming with AI and ML

We will start Python programming from scratch and will touch some Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning libraries in the course. Course Details
Python Programming for Young Wizards

This is a beginners course to learn Python Programming. Highly recommended for all ages starting from school kids to young at heart kids of all ages 🙂 . Course Details.
Feel free to catch me on twitter or DM me at @basitj if you have a question, suggestion or comment about the course or you’re having difficulty signing up.