There have been rumors and gossips about Samsung’s Wave, the first phone to come on Samsung Bada platform. Samsung Bada is a smart phone platform to add to an already existing mix of a number of platforms already available like iPhone, BlackBerry, Palm Pre, Nokia Ovi, Android.
Now Samsung has confirmed that Samsung Wave is not coming and it will start becoming available in June 2010. Those retailers who were taking pre-orders and were expecting the phone to be available in April will have to change their order taking page.
If you are a Samsung fan and have been waiting for Samsung Wave, you’ll have to wait for another two good months. Samsung Bada platform is also open for the developers who want to develop apps for this new upcoming platform. Samsung has been a strong platform but as a mobile apps developer, its going to be a hard question to answer: Are you ready to develop apps for a platform that will start getting into the user’s hands after a quarter?
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nice post. thanks.
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