I’ve been using Google Apps for business for quite some time. It’s an amazing service especially when it comes for free. This includes your own domain configured with Google mail, Google docs, Google Calendar and a number of Google services. Today we got email from Google intimating that this services is no more available for […]
Tag: Google Apps
Done with the Google account dilemma
I’m sure there are many of you out there who have gone through the Google Account dilemma when using a Google Apps account. Google Apps is a service that allows you to use many of Google’s main services with your own domain or with your company domain. I use it with basitali.com as well. My […]
How Google Apps can help in classrooms
When I was in school, the Internet did not exist at all. I’m really happy for some of the kids if not all of them, to have access to the tools that prepare them for the future. While I go down the memory lane to thank all my teachers, I want you to please watch […]
Gmail and fellows are no more Beta now!
We all have been used to this fact but have always been wondering as well, when will Gmail come out of beta? Finally the day has come. Google announces that following services are no more in beta state: Gmail Google Docs Google Calendar Google Talk Actually these services combine to comprise google apps.