When I was in school, the Internet did not exist at all. I’m really happy for some of the kids if not all of them, to have access to the tools that prepare them for the future. While I go down the memory lane to thank all my teachers, I want you to please watch this video shared by Google discussing how Google apps can help school children to learn better and how they can be beneficial for the teachers in the classrooms.
Once you have seen above video, I want all you thinkers to suggest, how can we use technology in our schools in Pakistan, where access to technology is scarce and drive to bring the change is very low. I don’t say that the traditional teaching methods are incorrect, but we need to bring the change, jump ans skip the techniques being used in recent past by the modern school systems and to adopt the latest teaching and learning methodologies in our classrooms. What do you think?
Well this is really a valid point that you’ve raised and I think this issue should be taken in serious consideration if we want our nation to be at par with other excelling nations.
As far as HOW we can use tech in schools, it can be used in the same manner as used in other countries but first we’ll have to create awareness among masses about the Importance and necessity of this thing. Then we may proceed with how and where…