A picture is better than thousand words. This is to confirm that 16GB Micro-SDHC card works well in my Nokia-E51 and turns this phone into a small wonder.
Author: admin
skyfire is out in public beta now.
I’ve been waiting for its public beta and here it is. Skyfire is an upcoming mobile browser that claims to be a media capable mobile browser that will bring the PC-Web to your mobile with the very same experience. Its available for Windows Mobile and Symbian so far. Even its an open public beta now, […]
Memory Myth
I’ve been using different memory cards in different devices. I’ve used MMCs, SD, MicroSD, Sony Memory stick and so on. I never bothered re-checking their capacity and trusted on the label on the card itself. I have been using a 2GB MMC-Mobile in my good old N72 and I never went into the phone’s memory […]
My BlackBerry 8310 Curve supports 16GB card
This is to confirm for all the memory enthusiasts that BlackBerry 8310 supports both 8GB and 16GB memory cards. These are SanDisk MicroSDHC cards and they work like a charm. Now I’m gonna load lots of movies and gonna watch them on the go 🙂 Word of caustion, its not full 8GB and not 16GB. […]
SlideRocket Formalizes
SlideRocket is an amazing on line tool for making and sharing presentations. I have been following it since its pre-beta days. They have finally decided to make it a formal paid service. They have come up with three plans i.e Business, Individual and good old Free plan. You can not only make, share and present […]
Command & Conquer Red Alert 3 coming today
As posted earlier, Red Alert 3 PC version release is due October 28th, 2008, yes that’s today. Anyone who gets to grab a copy, do let me know the source where you purchased it from. I’m really very excited about the game release. Hope its worth the wait. See this EA-Store link for details.
My prize. I won Nokia Free Hands Challenge
Thanks to Nokia Free Hands challenge , Darla Mack who told me about this challenge and a big number of people including my family and friends, I have won a Nokia N82 and a Nokia BH-902 Handsfree. I just received a DHL with my gift and I’m right on top of this world right now. […]
Nokia N82 16GB
I have just plugged in my new 16GB Micro SDHC card into my Nokia N82. This turns my N82, 16GB. I am so excited that I have overtaken my brother’s Nokia N95-8GB. This is really interesting to see that N95-8GB has no way to install an extra bit of memory and is stuck at 8GB. […]
I have received a pack of toys that I’ll be playing with from now on. I will keep posting about these on my blog. First to be metioned is a Class-2 Micro-SDHC Card with 16 GB capacity. I’ll be using it to boost-up my phone’s memory capacity. Stay tuned.
Red Alert 3 coming on 28th
Command & Conquer Red-Alert-3 is going to be released by EA this Tuesday. I’m really looking forward to play it as I’ve been a die-hard fan of Ned-Alert-2. I hope this does not turn out to be a disappointment.